Five Fantastic Products That Leave You Feeling Fabulous!

I can’t tell you how many times I pass by and stop at the cosmetic aisle while shopping and stare at the hundreds of products that they have trying to determine which will be the one to help me. Whether it be to wash my face, get rid of acne, or hide those ugly stretch marks from my pregnancy days I always seem to choose the wrong product. And that’s after I have read like 10 different bottles. I did some research and I found that some of these products worked great for different problem areas that we have. Continue reading “Five Fantastic Products That Leave You Feeling Fabulous!”

Apply Mascara The Right Way

Do you ever have those trial and error days? You know the days when you want to look as beautiful as you feel so you decide to actually put on some mascara and lipstick today – but you find that the reason you had stopped was because it was so hard and annoying? I love the way mascara makes my eyes look – but sometimes trying to put it on is such a hassle and it makes a mess. Continue reading “Apply Mascara The Right Way”

Why You Should Stay Away From Mineral Oil

We are always trying to find new ways of protecting our bodies. We try to lose weight, eat healthy foods, wear the right make-up, and buy the right products to give our hair the shine we love. Probably one of the biggest areas of our body that we try to protect the most is our skin. After all this is the part that ages the most and in the end will determine how old or young we look. Continue reading “Why You Should Stay Away From Mineral Oil”

Dare To Be Yourself!

How many times have you watched television and compared yourself to the skinny and stylish women that you are watching. This is the kind of feeling that most of us get no matter what age we are. As teenagers we are watching Hilary Duff and Jessica Simpson change the way they look with surgery in order to look skinny and to match the standards that have been set. Us older women tend to look at the women from Desperate Housewives and wonder how Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher held on to their beauty still making the men’s jaws drop. Continue reading “Dare To Be Yourself!”

Choosing Foundation To Match Your Skin Tone

When it comes to make-up most of us have to admit that we desperately need it to make ourselves look ‘put together’ in the morning. There are some out there who have perfect skin and have had the pleasure of only having to wear blush. Wearing make-up wouldn’t be so bad if it was always easy to do – but for some of us it is becoming a chore. Continue reading “Choosing Foundation To Match Your Skin Tone”